Their own faith moves them ahead in preparation for Christ’s kingdom. Evelyn Husband and her children, Laura and Matthew, are not left behind. It comforts us with an awareness that Christ and His people ultimately triumph over death. Rick Husband’s faith makes High Calling so much more than a wife’s tribute to her husband. He was a Christian after God’s own heart: kind, compassionate, selfless, honest–no matter the personal cost. Her testimony is supported with accounts about Rick Husband’s character from his acquaintances and friends. Evelyn Husband, wife of Columbia Commander Rick Husband, writes a poignant account of the courageous life and faith of her spouse of 20 years. On February 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated in Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven crewmembers on their return from a 16-day space mission. The strongest call to Christians to correct their ignorance of the law appears in the epilogue, where Robertson notes: “If we live the commandments of God, then our lives will prove a far more effective testimony than any stone tablet, no matter where it is situated.” Not only is this material excellent for Christian schools and home schoolers, but it also provides fertile ground for small-group discussions.Įspecially useful is the appendix, which includes preambles to all 50 state constitutions, all of which honor God in some way.

Robertson’s book is a practical guide to the positive aspects of following God’s law–and the consequences of disobeying it. However, although few outside Christendom are likely to pick up this book (except to mock it), one can argue that churches need The Ten Offenses: Reclaim the Blessing of the Ten Commandments as a refresher course. Sadly, this book has little chance of widespread use in the arena where it is needed most: America’s public schools.